If you are a trainee or trainer in the Royal College of Emergency Medicine (RCEM) then you should be familiar with the curriculum and the exam1. You will also know that we really think that you need to look after your trainees.2 This has recently been updated in 2015 and covers the breadth of the speciality. Notably there is a new addition to the common competences called Leadership and Emergency Medicine non-technical skills (EmNTS) which we think is a great addition as it’s such an important aspect of our practice. It appears as a sub-section in the following core competencies: CC4 Time and workload management, CC5 Decision making and clinical reasoning, CC7 Prioritisation of patient safety in clinical practice, CC8 Team working and patient safety
There are also two new presentations required, and again we think these enhance the curriculum. HAP35: Complex Older Patients and HAP36 : The patient with chronic disease. These presentations are core EM skills and so they are very welcome indeed.
Here at St.Emlyn’s we believe that #FOAMed resources can make you a better doctor AND help you get through the exams. We have linked our posts to the curriculum in three ways.
1. You can see which St.Emlyn’s topics cover the curriculum by topic by clicking on the hyperlinks below.
2. At the end of each post you will be able to see a ‘tag’ with a code that looks something like CAP7. These codes link to the curriculum and if you click on the tag it will take you to related pages.
3. There is a permanent page for the curriculum on the website here.
The curriculum is separated into the following sections. Click on a link to take you to that section or scroll down to see them all. Remember that some topics (e.g. headache, chest pain) appear in multiple sections so to be sure use Ctrl+F to search for a keyword or use our search box on the right to find the right post for you.
If you get a ‘Not Found, Error 404’ message it means that we have not linked anything to that category (yet 🙂 ).
Core competencies
ACCS Major Presentations CT1&2
ACCS Acute Presentations CT1&2
Additional Adult Acute Presentations CT3
Paediatric major presentations (PMPs)
HST Major Presentation (HMP)
HST Acute Presentations (HAP)
Core competencies
CC3 Therapeutics and safe prescribing
CC4 Time management and decision making
CC5 Decision making and clinical reasoning
CC6 The patient as central focus of care
CC7 Prioritisation of patient safety in clinical practice
CC8 Team working and patient safety
CC9 Principles of quality and safety improvement
CC11 Managing long term conditions and promoting patient self-care
CC12 Relationships with patients and communication within a consultation
CC14 Complaints and medical error
CC15 Communication with colleagues and cooperation
CC16 Health promotion and public health
CC17 Principles of medical ethics and confidentiality
CC19 Legal framework for practice
CC25 Management and NHS structure
ACCS Major Presentations CT1&2
CMP2 Cardio-Respiratory Arrest
3.3.3 ACCS Acute Presentations CT1&2
CAP1 Abdominal Pain including loin pain
CAP2 Abdominal Swelling, Mass & Constipation
CAP4 Aggressive/disturbed behaviour
CAP8 Confusion, Acute/Delirium
CAP20 Limb Pain & Swelling – Atraumatic
CAP33 Traumatic limb and joint injuries
CAP38 Wound assessment and management
3.3.6 Additional Adult Acute Presentations CT3
C3AP1a Major trauma – Chest Injuries
C3AP1b Major trauma – Abdominal trauma
C3AP1d Major trauma – Maxillofacial
C3AP2a Traumatic limb and joint injuries – Lower limb
C3AP2b Traumatic limb and joint injuries – Upper limb
C3AP3 ABGs -Interpretation of abnormal blood gas results in the Emergency Department
C3AP6 Emergency airway care (CT3 and covers HST)
Paediatric major presentations (PMPs)
PMP2 Apnoea, stridor and airway obstruction
PMP3 Cardio-respiratory arrest
Paediatric Acute Presentations (PAPs)
PAP2 Accidental poisoning, poisoning and self-harm
PAP3 Acute life-threatening event (ALTE)
PAP7 Dehydration secondary to diarrhoea and vomiting
PAP11 Gastro-intestinal bleeding
PAP16 Painful limbs – atraumatic
PAP17 Painful limbs- traumatic
HST Major Presentation (HMP)
HMP2 Cardio-respiratory arrest
HST Acute Presentations (HAP)
HAP3 Alcohol and substance abuse
HAP4 Anal pain and rectal bleeding
HAP7 Bruising and spontaneous bleeding
HAP11 Environmental emergencies
HAP16 Haematemisis and melaena
HAP18 Joint swelling – atraumatic
HAP19 Limb pain and swelling – traumatic and atraumatic
HAP20 Major Incident management
HAP28 Rash – Life-threatening rashes
HAP31 Sexually transmitted disease
HAP33 Weakness not due to stroke
HAP36 The patient with chronic disease
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