This month I was lucky enough to be invited to speak in Slovenia at the European Resus Council meeting.
It was a super place to visit and a wonderful conference. The theme of the conference was very much about controversies in resuscitation and that really came through. There was lots of chat about rebalancing the chain of survival from the old image of equality in different parts of the chain, to a greater emphasis on early recognition, CPR and defibrillation. In other words interventions such as ECMO and ICU are all great, but the biggest wins, and the essential first steps are always more basic.
It was good to see some new initiatives such as restart a heart day too. It’s a worldwide project to improve outcomes from OOHCA.
Personally I found the presentations on the effect of the publication of the TTM trial on cardiac arrest outcomes fascinating. It appears that following publication of TTM we’ve taken our eye of the ball when it comes to temperature management and that may have led to an increase in poor outcomes from cardiac arrest (reversing an improving trend over the previous decade). Fascinating stuff and perhaps a reminder that hypothermia is still an area for research that may produce interesting outcomes. This week I saw that TTM2 is continuing after interim analysis. That could of course mean anything, but I do think that we’ve not heard the end of hypothermia in cardiac arrest management.
Here’s the podcast of the meeting featuring a voxpox of colleagues including some great friends of St Emlyn’s such as Sandra Viggers and Morten Lindkvist, Jasmeet Soar and Andy Lockey.
Have a listen and catch up on the latest in cardiac arrest research.
- The chain of survival: Not all links are equal
- World restart a heart day,on%20or%20around%20that%20date.
- Temporal Trends in the Use of Therapeutic Hypothermia for Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest
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