Covid-19 update and postponement
Location: Manchester
Date: 4/3/20
On Tuesday we wrote to the many people who had already booked #stemlynsLIVE stating that we would watch the Covid-19 situation carefully. In less than 36 hours much has changed, and it is now clear to us that we are likely to see a peak impact of this disease in May/June 2020. With this new information it is apparent that it would be unwise and arguably irresponsible to bring important healthcare workers like you, together in Manchester at that time.
It is with a heavy heart and great disappointment that we have therefore decided to postpone the physical conference. We contacted everyone who booked by email last night and suspended bookings yesterday afternoon (Ed – we had so many bookings too!).
We hope to be able to deliver a face to face conference later in the year and perhaps even a virtual conference in the early Summer (maybe even on the 12th May itself). I hope you appreciate that those plans are only just forming, but please watch this space for more information.
All conference booking fees will be refunded in full over the next 24 hours.
We can only thank you for your understanding, patience and support of #FOAMed and #stemlynsLIVE as we face the likelihood of a significant impact on health services as a result of Covid-19.
It looks to us as though medical education will be disrupted for many months to come and it may be that #FOAMed and online learning will have a really important part to play as physical meetings and travel are restricted.
Here at St Emlyn’s we have our thinking caps on with innovative ideas on how we can do this, and we’d love to hear from you too. How can we use St Emlyn’s and other platforms to keep the Meducation going in 2020. If you have ideas that we can facilitate get in touch and share them. We’re all in this together.
Simon Carley on behalf of the St Emlyn’s team