CODA ZERO is here. St Emlyn’s

This week marks the return of CODA, or rather the start of the CODA project that developed from the genre changing SMACC conferences. I was lucky enough to be involved in setting up the first CODA conference, due to be held in Melbourne this year, but since then COVID-19 happened and the rest is history. The conference was postponed and for many of us that meant a huge disappointment as we had huge ambitions for CODA to change clinical practice on a global scale.

All is not lost though. The core CODA team have put together a new series of online CODA sessions called CODA ZERO which start tomorrow.

The first session on CODA CURE – PANDEMIC SEPSIS is at 5th August 8am AEST (that’s 11pm tonight in the UK), and the second, CODA ETHICS – GENDER, is a little later on the same day 10am AEST (that’s 1am tonight UK time).

The sessions are being live filmed and designed to be interactive with the online audience so they will work best if you can join the live stream at the designated time and date. Both last one hour and are approved for CPD.

There is a small cost ($25 Aus) for each session which is not that bad IMHO. Follow this link to register

You can learn more below and if all goes to plan I’ll see you tonight 🙂 .



Cite this article as: Simon Carley, "CODA ZERO is here. St Emlyn’s," in St.Emlyn's, August 4, 2020,

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