As 2017 ends and we look forward to 2018 it’s time to reflect on a year with the St.Emlyn’s team. Despite our chronological and geographical dispersal it’s really felt like a team effort in 2017. We have travelled, learned, listened, taught and had a huge amount of fun. To round the year off I asked the team to think about their favourite blog, podcast, event and what foamy frolics they have planned in 2018. As you can see below they mostly managed to follow instructions 😉
Iain Beardsell
1. Blog- Nat’s 101 lessons from Sydney HEMS. Loads of thought provoking messages and a lesson in how to effectively reflect and learn.
2. Podcast- Is or dreadful that most of my podcast listening is now non medical? You can’t beat the “Rugby Pod” and “My Dad Wrote a Porno” for laughs. I also loved the (as yet unreleased) Beardsell Boys’ podcast (a school project with my three boys).
3. Your favourite event- Dare I say SMACC? I thought the single stream worked brilliantly and it was by far my favourite of the last few years.
4. Where your foamy frolics hope to take you in 2018- I’m really hoping to make it to BadEMfest18 and we have an announcement coming soon about a rather exciting St Emlyn’s project (Ed – this is going to be amazing in late 2018 – watch this space).
Chris Gray
Blog – It’s always great to really refresh your knowledge on things you think you know about, and Ross’ blog on foreskins in the ED, and also Natalie’s blog on patient transfer did just that, both changing my practice for the better. Can’t say better than that.
Podcast – definitely Liz and Iain clarifying burnout for the world to hear. Such a fantastic listen and food for thought for the future of my career in emergency medicine and critical care.
Favourite event – it has to be dasSMACC, what a great conference, the single stream worked well, the talks were amazing, and interacting with the St.Emlyn’s group, internet friends, and making new friends really made it all worth it.
Plans for 2018 – I’m very excited for some of the events St.Emlyn’s has planned for this year, and with a year away from the emergency department to a more (potentially) social-friendly rota, hopefully I can make it to more conferences and blog some more as well. I’m particularly looking forward to the Northern Emergency Medicine conference in January which promises some fantastic speakers (including our very own Alan Grayson).
Alan Grayson
- Best blog: Strange as it may seem, I have read very few medical blogs this year. A shout must go to the lovely Don’t Forget The Bubbles ( crew, for continued excellent work. Simon McCormick’s story at Broken Toy Blog ( resonated hugely and is highly recommended. As I have been concentrating on my own well-being (perhaps selfishly) the School of Life ( ) has been very helpful in regaining some
perspective, as has the Happy MD ( ).
- Best podcast: The most entertainment I got was from Swami v Beardsell on Thrombolysis of submassive PE at SMACCDub. Iain and Liz on burnout is excellent and really helped. Haven’t had much time to listen to much else.
- Favourite event: I missed both DasSMACC and Glastonbury due to poor organisation/workload/over-commitment. This really sucked. The best event was probably sitting on a hill somewhere as it all came back together and I started figuring out the future. A week on Tiree, with no TV, no distractions and just books, the radio, my wife and dog, was really necessary and really helpful in gaining perspective again. Continuing to be part of the EMEC ( is pretty special and Scott (@carrings) and Chris (@orangedis) delivered the best one yet!
- Plans for 2018: Get some work-life balance (or life-work balance as JPB keeps reminding me). Actually write a blog post this year. Restart the Archives of Disease in Childhood Twitter Journal Club (@adc_jc). Continue to work for well-being, of myself, of trainees, and of my nursing colleagues, and anyone else, who is/are struggling too!
The speaking gigs are lining up too: I’m excited to be at the Northern EM conference ( in a few days and a trip to Helsinki to learn with our Finnish friends (and other Scandinavian and European Emergency Physicians) will be brilliant (thanks to Eeva @EMresidentsFINN). - As for books, I’m currently struggling through Black Box Thinking – not because it’s difficult – it’s brilliantly written, insightful and highly recommended – but because I read about 15 minutes of it in my on call room every week. I do take issue with the metaphor of air travel/healthcare, but do believe that we should always be learning ( ). I keep going back to Socrates’ Way by Ronald Gross ( ), which is an excellent primer on one of the thinkers that has shaped modern times. Deep Thinking by Garry Kasparov is excellent too ( ) . I also frequently dip into the Maxims of Rochefoucault, especially when I’m angry and wound up, which has been all too frequent (you can download for free from Project Gutenberg (another highly recommended service that’s free!)
- It’s been a year of contrasts. Somehow I managed to get a job at my local medical school that I am under-qualified for, but am loving and quickly growing to actually be ok at!. It gives me a wonderful opportunity to spread the message of FOAM to a new generation. It has been a load of work though, which combined with a punishing existing clinical and educational practice, led me to circle the burnout drain in the latter half of the year. This is not an experience I want to repeat! If anyone going through the same experience needs help, please get in touch – it’s unpleasant, you need help to beat it, and the whole syndrome distorts your perspective.
- And finally thanks, to my families: the biological one, the work one, my brothers and sisters of St Emlyn’s, and FOAMites everywhere for keeping me sane in a trying year. I’ll be better next year, I promise.
Laura Howard
- Blog: Chris Gray’s tetanus post, this is something that’s often cause confusion. Really clear post on a very important topic. Also Nat May’s retrieval weevil also deserves a
special mention!
- Podcast: Ian and Liz rounding it up the communication workshop they out on at smacc- really helpful tips for us all to learn.
- Favourite event: I loved Eusem in Athens this year, it was great to meet em physicians from around the world (Ed – and Laura gave an amazing talk at the conference). I didn’t go to Brisbane but I have spent many hours on the don’t forget the bubbles website listening to some amazing talks that happened there. I really enjoyed catching up with that conference
- Plans for 2018? Eusem in Glasgow and a some amazing events upcoming Manchester are going to make it a very special year for UK conferences
Ashley Liebig.
- Fav blog: I’m cheating a bit but Natalie’s 101 Lessons from Sydney HEMs was incredible. As a prehospital clinician, clearly, I am biased (also I adore Nat), but this was such a thought provoking and thoughtful series.
- Favorite podcast: My favorite is listening to Iain and Liz record, or attempt to record a podcast in San Francisco. I think I pulled a muscle from laughing. I absolutely think there should be a podcast bloopers and outtakes segment! These two are a fantastic team and it’s always a joy to hear them in action.
- Favorite event: SMACCFORCE, the prehospital conference prior to dasSMACC is the event that I am most proud of. The community of prehospital professionals is a family of friends and getting to produce that event with those brilliant minds is a great source of pride.
- In 2018: I had big plans to take a break… but sounds like that’s not going to be happening.. CaboFest18 in Cabo, Retrieval18 in Glasgow, FAST18, CCTMC18, EMSWorld Expo and Teaching Co-op in Manchester are all on the books. Hoping to do more writing and hopefully some podcasting in 18 as well.
- Fav book… little time for leisurely reading this year, but I have found myself revisiting and bookmarking the pages of This Is Water by David Foster Wallace.
- Favorite paper: Hicks and Petrosoniak strike again1. If you haven’t read this yet and you care even a little bit about team dynamics in resus, you need to do so. It’s fantastic. Emerg Med Clin North Am. 2018 Feb;36(1):1-17. doi: 10.1016/j.emc.2017.08.003.
Natalie May
- Your favourite blog: Janos’ post on Tough Times was great – timely for many of us, practical and realistic.
- Your favourite podcast: I’ve listened to all of Tim Horeczko’s PEM Playbook podcasts, they’re packed full of paediatric gems, and there’s been some great stuff from ERCast, particularly in the last few months. I’ve loved Simulcast’s journal club too. The EMCases Journal Jam take on Contrast-related AKI is definitely my highlight of the year though.
- Your favourite event: I loved the Teaching Course in Copenhagen before dasSMACC. It’s always so much fun to get together with education enthusiasts and share ideas. I particularly enjoy the meta layers we’ve been bringing in; educating on an education topic, then breaking down how the education worked (or didn’t)!
- Where your foamy frolics hope to take you in 2018: First up I’m off to Cape Town for BADEMfest and the preceding Teaching Co-op Course, then in May I’m supremely excited about Resuscitology – a case-based Discussions conference on the art and science of resuscitation Cliff, Karel, Geoff, Brian, Chris and I are putting together. Then Adelaide in August and hopefully Manchester and NY in October (for St Emlyn’s first conference and FIX18). In the meantime there’ll be more from me at St Emlyn’s and the SydneyHEMS blogs and podcasts, and once again I promise to work harder at resurrecting PEMLit.
- Non-fiction book: Thanks for the Feedback! Recommended to me by Chris Nickson. Packed full of practical and useful tips and feedback truths.
Ross Fisher
- Your favourite blog: Rick’s troponin blog. because it showcases his talent, wisdom and enthusiasm that is changing the world AND because of the editorial work behind the scenes that I’m humbled to be a part of that makes such wisdom and enthusiasm accessible and inspirational. You guys rock.
- Your favourite podcast: The SGEM on paediatric appendicitis. Because Ken totally rocks and is changing KT for the world. Again humbled to be involved but challenged to face my own preconceptions and biases and listen to wisdom not dogma. He is the dog’s.
- 3. Your favourite event: TTC Copenhagen. Such great teaching and now with some of my best friends, in the world! Hanging out, laughing, learning. What could be better?
- 4. Where your foamy frolics hope to take you in 2018: DFTB18 Melbourne. a really lovely conference last year and excited to be a part of it next year. And some fun stuff in Manchester…
Janos Baombe
- Your favourite blog. Nat 101 HEMS lessons. I am humbled every single day by the job we do
- Your favourite podcast. I will be lynched but just realised I have probably listened to NONE this year (or I cannot recall!). Santa won’t bring me anything this year. . I will do my best to try do better next year
- Your favourite event. SMACC Berlin. As always the StE social events were great and I reconnected with loads of friends from Oz/ZA
- Where your foamy frolics hope to take you in 2018. Cape Town BadEM. Excited to be meeting mind alike folks and gurls from LMIC. What they do despite financial restrictions is simply fantastic!
Richard Carden
- Not a blog per se – but the creation of the ebook was an impressive and important piece of work. The consolidation of a lot work around probability is the kind of tacit knowledge that FOAMed
excels at disseminating.
- Podcast – whilst obviously I’m a huge fan of the work my colleagues do with the StEmlyns podcasts, I always find the EmCrit podcast thought provoking.
- Favourite event – SMACC was a great opportunity to catch up with the team and meet new and old acquaintances
- Plans for 2018 – My PhD – so much hard work to be done!
- Favourite book – ‘Outliers’ by Malcolm Gladwell; certainly worth a read!
Rick Body
- Blog: I really liked Rich Carden’s post on acid attacks. It’s topical and informative. Covering this kind of issue is just what blogs can do well, and Rich covered it so nicely
- Podcast: I’m going to say the SGEM episode on icatibant for ACEI induced angioedema. This covered a paper I was an author of2, and I gave an interview. The reason I’m putting it forward is because I thought Ken & the SGEM team did such an amazing job: great critical appraisal, great promotion via Twitter, and giving an author a chance to give their insight is just a fantastic feature. The SGEM really is world leading for knowledge translation.
- Event: EUSEM 2018 was my favourite event. EM really needs a strong European society. The specialty is developing well in Europe but so many countries still don’t recognise EM as a specialty. This year, at EUSEM, I really felt the progress. There were great speakers as usual, but it was the energy and passion of the delegates that moved me most. My favourite part was meeting the young EM docs at the speed networking session
- FOAMy frolics for 2018: I’m most looking forward to EUSEM in Glasgow (September) and I’m also quite excited about a possible second trip to the AACC in Chicago (August). Last year’s conference was great. This year’s will have the largest ever joint industry symposium, organised by the IFCC Task Force for Cardiac Biomarkers, which I joined this year. This is just superb – the whole of the industry will be working together to improve education on cardiac markers.
Claire Bromley.
- Best podcast. I only started properly listening to podcasts after dasSMACC, and immediately loved Doug Lynch’s Jellybeans as they’ve enabled me to learn more about some really inspiring people in the acute care world.. Since then, I’ve loved listening to various RAGE podcasts, and more recently those provided by FeminEM – particularly ‘Looking Up – Women, Courage and Mentorship’
- Best Blog. A popular choice, but I’ve really enjoyed reading Nat’s 101 Lessons from Sydney HEMS over the last few months and I read them all again on a flight home recently thanks to the eBook being created! The reflections on human factors were particularly interesting and, despite me being in a slightly less stressful environment, are useful every day in my clinical placements. Andy Tagg’s DFTB blog ‘The road…not taken’ was a brave and poignant reminder to look after ourselves as well as looking out for others; that it’s ok admit we’re struggling and to ask for help. Again, this is something I will try my best to keep with me throughout medical school and my future career.
- Favourite event. Without a doubt, having the opportunity to volunteer at dasSMACC has been the most inspiring part of my medical journey to date, not just in 2017! It was my first medical conference, so I suppose my expectations are set rather high for others! I also feel very grateful for being given the opportunity to reflect on the experience via St Emlyns, and for all the other experiences I have gained with the support of the team – I am extremely lucky.
- Plans for 2018. My fundamental aim is to survive fourth year of medical school! I’ve applied to then hopefully start an intercalation in Urgent and Emergency Care in September 2018, which, if I’m lucky enough to get a place, will give me the opportunity to properly immerse myself into the world of emergency medicine. Fingers (and toes) crossed!. I’m really looking forward to my elective in Cape Town with the incredible BadEM team in June and July – I’ll be spending most of my time in Mitchell’s Plain ED and will also be gaining some prehospital experience. I hope to come back with a more well-rounded and broader understanding of the different challenges faced by ED clinicians and patients in South Africa compared to the UK. Fingers crossed (again) that I’ll be able to get involved with some EM research, and attend EUSEM in Glasgow and the Teaching Co-Op in Manchester.
- Best non-fiction book. Unfortunately, I’ve not been able to read many non-fiction books other than textbooks this year, which really needs to change! With regards to textbooks, however, I did find Neel Burton’s ‘Psychiatry’ a really brilliant summary ahead of medical school exams (both OSCEs and written), and would recommend it to any medical students reading this. I’m also very open to any book suggestions (medical or not), as an aim of mine for 2018 is to read more – I’ll be trying those recommended in this post first!
Gareth Roberts
- Your favourite blog: This year has mainly consisted of disagreeing with the OHEM and Camerons textbook so I haven’t had a lot of time for blogs. However, I quite like my tox and think the StEmlyns posts have been pretty snazzy… Rich’s Spice and Acid Attack posts we pretty good.
- Your favourite podcast. Agree with Dan that the college learning site has really up its game and a really good good resource
- Your favourite event. Ich bin ein Berliner
- Where your foamy frolics hope to take you in 2018. I’m still hoping to get to South Africa early next year but if not I’ve never been to EUSEM.
- On a more personal level 2017 has definitely been a watershed year for me. I’m very fortunate to have been given the opportunities I have and will spend 2018 hopefully passing forward all the help and support I’ve had (Ed – worth mentioning that Gareth got his very well deserved FRCEM this year).
Liz Crowe
- Your favourite blog. I have to be honest apart from editing St Emlyn’s blog posts I rarely read blogs. I am too immersed in the literature for my PhD. However I have read
some fantastic journal articles. One that I think many may be interested in reading is a 2009 publication on how staff respond after adverse patient events (usually medical error). Scott, S.D; Hirschinger, L.E.; Cox, K.R; McCoig, M.; Brandt, J. and Hall, L.W.(2009) The Natural History of Recovery for the Healthcare Provider ‘second victim’ after Adverse Patient Events, Quality and Safety in Health Care, 18: 325-330.3
- Your favourite podcast. This is a tough one. I have loved so many podcasts this year on resilience, on teams, on leadership, on vulnerability. Though in the spirit of honesty the podcast I listened to and watched the most this year was Iain Beardsell debating Professor Anand Swaminathan on Thrombolysis for Submassive PE to the music of Hamilton. I didn’t understand the medical significance however it was bloody funny and the look on Swarmi’s face is priceless…. I have also really enjoyed listening to a podcast series called ‘Trace’- which looks at new evidence of an unsolved murder from the 1980s which inadvertently discloses a great deal about Australian culture and history at the time
- Your favourite event. Every conference I attend carries something significant. While the education is usually wonderful it is the connection and social events that sustain me. I loved DAS Smacc this year in Berlin. I was sceptical about the single stream and was proven wrong. It was the most amazing line up of speakers and the venue was great and it was just a really wonderful time. I also loved the first paediatric social media conference ‘Don’t Forget the Bubbles’ held in Brisbane this year.
- Where are your foamy frolics hope to take you in 2018. I am lying low in 2018. My eldest son is in Year 12 so I need to stay close to home. I also have to submit my PhD. I am going to the Australian New Zealand Intensive Care Regional Conference in Auckland, New Zealand to speak in April and then the World Federation Congress of Pediatric Intensive Care conference in Singapore in June to speak. I will do a few talks in Australia as well, tragically I have had to say no to everything else in the hope of being a ‘good mother’ and successfully submitting my PhD….let’s see how that pans out.
- My favourite non-fiction book this year would be Gretchen Rubin’s The Four Tendencies that examines how all of us can be categorised into four major ways of responding to expectations, decisions, leadership, teams and motivations based on our internal and external tendencies. I am a definite Obliger …….
Craig Ferguson
- Your favourite blog. I liked Laura’s blog post on the ED Spa and Ian’s one on setting up a leadership portfolio.
- Your favourite podcast. The EMCrit Podcast on the science of expertise and performance was really interesting.
- Your favourite event. It’s been a quiet year from me in terms of Foam. 🙁
- Where your foamy frolics hope to take you in 2018. Looking forward to Manchester in October.
- Non-fiction book. Either WTF by Robert Peston an informed take on what is going on in the world, or Brew by James Morton, the foolproof guide to making world-class beer at home!
Dan Horner
- Blog: I enjoyed all the vitamin C banter around springtime this year – you will know about our thoughts from the Vitamin SCepTic post and our contribution to the SGEM work on the topic. However, I thought Josh Farkas did a brilliant job with distilling the evidence here, as well as the scientific rationale and plausible mechanism. There was real detail in that post which you often don’t see in a blog – great that people are using social media to deep dive occasionally, and remind everyone that there is a lot beneath the surface of these twitter debates.
- Podcast: I think the RCEM learning team have really stepped up a gear in the last year. I have listened to all their stuff in 2017 and think they tread the line brilliantly between entertainment, education and skilful editing (of which I suspect there is a lot). Good work team and keep at it.
- Event: The EMTA conference in London was a fantastic opportunity to meet the next generation of clinicians and decision makers in EM. There were some great talks, but more importantly some great questions and some great interaction between trainees and consultants. I felt real enthusiasm in the room, in spite of our recent challenges as a specialty. It’s always great to be amongst likeminded folk, but this does feel special in your own country.
- 2018: Busy busy with lots of projects coming to a head and new ones starting. Primarily though, I am hoping to help with the development of a trainee emergency research network project, providing research opportunity for all in EM and hopefully generating some results that will directly influence care. We are hoping to use the results from a trainee led survey on research engagement to drive this; more to follow but if you get bored eating mince pies over the next week we’d love to hear your thoughts at
- Non-fiction book: I’m not entirely sure I had time to read any. I enjoyed the Crown though – is that non-fiction….?
Simon Carley
- Favourite Blog. There are so many that I can’t really decide. I think most of the established blogs have continued to improve. The EMCRIT/EMNerd/PulmCrit group are now a formidable team and lead in many ways, but there are so many more that I dip into so I’m not going to list them here. I’m always most interested in blogs that change my practice either because of new evidence or following dogmalysis. So with that in mind I think the blogs on AKI and contrast induced nephropathy are those that have the most potential to change my daily working life (though not achieved it just yet coreEM , REBELEM , EMLitofNote, EMCRIT, emDOCS, FOAMcast and others). I also really loved Ashley’s post about AirZERMATT, it’s a great example of how travel allows us to learn and challenge our own practice.
- Favourite Podcast. Anything with Iain Beardsell in it. Seriously, I love podcasting with Iain which is why he should do more. Outside of St.Emlyn’s I’m glad to see the RAGE podcast back up and running. Keep it up folks, don’t keep us waiting for the next one.
- Favourite event. A combination of the teaching course in Copenhagen hosted by the wonderful Sandra Viggers, followed by an amazing train journey to Berlin with Salim and Jules for dasSMACC. It might be a cliche to say that SMACC is still the biggest and the best, but it simply is. I was skeptical about the single stream too, I think many of us were, but it worked really well. What I love about the SMACC team is that they are prepared to jump a few sharks. Some years it’s not always worked (I remember a certain SMACC finale), but it usually does. Innovation and excellence comes with risks, but those risks have delivered fantastic rewards. I also loved the ACEM Winter meeting, and the EMSSA meeting in Sun City. Two very different Southern Hemisphere experiences. Australia never ceases to inspire me, the people, the ambitions and the resources are incredible in so many ways. EMSSA and the delegates really brought home to me what a pivotal role we can all play in improving lives. It’s not just about the resources to provide the most advanced cutting edge technologies. There is magic to be found in EM wherever you practice it and this was so clear at EMSSA. Early in the year I had such an amazing time at the SWEETS conference and that’s defo one you should try and get to. The Sauna did not go well
for me, the Morel-Lavallee lesion has just about healed (long story I’ll tell you after a beer). It was fun to get to the BMJ awards ceremony though we did not win, I’m not sure we are quite their cup of tea ;-).
- Foamy frolics in 2018. More than I should. I’m delighted to be joining Joke van Kerkhoven for the Belgian EM conference in January, I’m off to Finland in November, Cape Town in March and then to Graz in Austria in April for the Austrian EM conference organised by Simon Orlob. Then we have some really exciting news soon about the St.Emlyn’s LIVE conference on 9th October 2018 (save the date now), PLUS we have the Teaching Co-op course on the 10-12th October here in Manchester. Again, you need to get those dates in your diary right now, and you can book for the teaching course now on this link. I’m desperate to try and find time to get to the AFEM conference in Kigali too. I’m also hoping to be in Glasgow for EuSEM. In the UK we’ve got conferences at the EMEC, in the Midlands at Trauma UK and here in the NW for the BASICS conference. Of all of those I’m most excited about inviting you all to Manchester in October. We have an amazing faculty to announce very soon and you really don’t want to miss it.
- Non fiction book. This year I took the advice of a certain Jeremy Faust who recommended listening to audio books as well as podcasts and this has been a revelation for me. I’ve really enjoyed listing to a whole range of literature and I think it was a life changing tip for me. I loved Homo Deus by Yuval Noah Harari. I love thinking about the future, and this book more than any other has changed the way I intend to live the rest of my life. Jeremy also recommended listening to fiction too, so I revisited His Dark Materials plus the prequel The Book of Dust. Finally, I’ve just finished The subtle art of not giving a %$*&. Once you get past the first chapter which is a bit too sweary, there is some good stuff in there.
I’m going to give myself an extra category this year in proudest thing I did. That was to be the bystander CPR that led to ROSC and a hospital discharge with full neurological recovery. We made a difference and someone survived. Not only that but Fiona, (the other Prof C) did the same this year. As a family we have 2xBLS saves and that’s been fabulous. It’s been amazing to make a difference.
Final thoughts.
I guess it’s my pleasure get to finish the post off. It’s been an amazing year during which we have consolidated the team, continued to publish blogs and podcasts on our four main themes of the philosophy of EM, EBM, Clinical EM and Wellbeing. We’ve published our first paper as a team4, and that’s probably the achievement I’m most proud of this year. We’ve also had the opportunity to contribute to several other #FOAMed based publications5 (there are more in press to come) on top of the conferences, courses, and #FOAMed. Perhaps this reflects a trend of traditional and novel education methods coming together or maybe it’s the rest of the world catching up. That’s for you to decide. The team has been lucky enough to have travelled far and wide in 2017 and we have so much more planned in 2018 something that I’m incredibly proud of and we’ve travelled far and wide to fly the #FOAMed and St.Emlyn’s flag. 2017 has also shown how the various different blogs, podcasts and conferences have developed into a mutually supportive group. Behind the scenes there is a huge amount of support and respect between the various groups around the world and that’s just incredible. To them, you and the team thank you so much for sharing the journey with us.
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