Our last day in Copenhagen and time to reflect on what we’ve learned. Have a listen to the podcast of the faculty (well part of it) reflections and then read on to find out what we got up to today. The day 1 report is here, day 2 here and day 3 here.
The last day in Copenhagen kicked off with a half day presentation skills workshop led by Ross Fisher, Salim Rezzaie and Natalie May. Structured around Ross’s P-cubed model of presentations the morning was organised around the three elements that multiply to deliver the overall presentation experience.
We could write more here, but rather than eloborate and repeat here I’d suggest you head over to the P-cubed website here, and you if you want a very brief introduction watch the video below.
In the afternoon we focused on feedback because although feedback has arisen as an issue in all the sessions across the teaching course it’s still worthy of focused thought and practice. We again tried to live the values of the course by teaching through engagement, constructivism and activity rather than simply use a lecture technique. Earlier today we published a blog post on how to plan a workshop, and later on how to incorporate activities into your workshops to aid learning. We’ve always found activities important in our workshop sessions and so it was interesting to see how these worked here in Copenhagen with a very mixed and international audience. Most importantly games and activities allow people to feel and experience topics like feedback rather than simply see it as an abstract concept. In that respect it speaks to this quote:
They may forget what you said — but they will never forget how you made them feel.
—Carl W. Buehner
I think that phrase was originally targeted as a reason not to make people feel bad, but let’s try not to be so negative. If feelings cement learning then maybe we can generate positive ones too.
A second feature of the session was to spend some time talking about how you give feedback to people who are not performing well, the difficult and challenging conversations that are sometimes felt to be too challenging to tackle (Ed – my old boss used to call these ‘problems in the too difficult to do box’). We talked and then practiced the Giraffe method of giving meaningful and difficult feedback. This technique is one of the most valuable things I’ve ever learned on the teaching course, and it’s a technique I use myself and also one that has been adopted by my colleagues. You can read more about the Giraffe technique here.
Final thoughts.
Sadly, this is the final day of the teaching course here in Copenhagen. As always we’ve laughted, cried, thought, reflected, learned, forgotten, relearned and relearned again. Most importantly we’ve met a new group of friends from across the globe. Our Danish hosts have been amazing especially Sandra Viggers supported by Mads Astvad. The teaching course team and faculty have been superb as have the delegates and faculty.
Lastly, if you want a great night out in Copenhagen, then a night of #foamaoke in Sam’s bar cannot be beat. The Danes really know how to enjoy themselves!
on behalf of everyone here.
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