Podcast – December 2023 Monthly Round Up – Transfusion decision making, e-scooter injury, AI and medicine and selective aortic arch perfusion

Welcome to the St Emlyn’s Monthly Podcast, your go-to source for the latest insights, developments, and discussions in emergency medicine and critical care. Each month, Simon and Iain will bring you in-depth analysis, evidence-based practices, and practical advice to enhance your clinical practice and professional development. Whether you are a seasoned practitioner or just starting your journey in the field, our podcast aims to provide valuable knowledge and foster a community of learning and support.

In this round-up of April 2024, we talk about a wide range of issues relating to emergency medicine, including transfusion decision making, e-scooter injury, AI and medicine and selective aortic arch perfusion

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Iain and Simon review the best of the blog and the state of UK emergency care in this podcast round up from December 2023.

Listening Time – 23:44

Cite this article as: Simon Carley, "Podcast – December 2023 Monthly Round Up – Transfusion decision making, e-scooter injury, AI and medicine and selective aortic arch perfusion," in St.Emlyn's, January 31, 2024, https://www.stemlynsblog.org/podcast-round-up-january-2024-st-emlyns/.

Thanks so much for following. Viva la #FOAMed

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