JC: Journals are dead: Long live the Journal Club

“The report of my death was an exaggeration”

Mark Twain

Just a quicky and a link out to our guide on Emergency Medicine Journal Clubs. Despite the rumours of the imminent demise of all medical journals, we at @stemlyns strongly believe that this will not lead to the death of journal clubs. Even if paper publication wanes (and it probably will) it will be even more important for clinicians to have the skills and abilities to be wary of what ‘evidence’ is out there.

For example anyone can now set up a Blog (Er, not sure that’s the right message here – Ed) and say what they like. How do you know it’s fair comment and good enough to change practice?

You do need, and you will always need to be a sceptic with the skills to critically appraise and critique the evidence and we think that a Journal Club is a great way to learn.

Read more here on our top tips for making your Emergency Medicine Journal Club effective, productive and worthwhile.

Our Journal Club runs on a Friday lunchtime in the ED. We’ll review, debate and then blog on the papers we discuss. Watch the blog for the latest in EM Critical Appraisal.


Simon C

PS: We’ll be keeping a log of papers reviewed in our Journal Club from now on. If it works then we should have a rolling program of the best, most current and most relevant papers for Emergency Medicine. If you’re coming up to an exam….it’s a good place to visit.

Cite this article as: Simon Carley, "JC: Journals are dead: Long live the Journal Club," in St.Emlyn's, July 30, 2012, https://www.stemlynsblog.org/journals-are-dead-long-live-the-journal-club/.

4 thoughts on “JC: Journals are dead: Long live the Journal Club”

  1. Well there is a review going on at the moment….you could email Dr Reynard and suggest it!

    Joking apart. How do you answer a clinical question these days? Do you rely on memory or a textbook? Of course not you use the media at your disposal. Should we test this in exams?? I think we should….but could we?

    I think this needs a blog post all of its own and I’ll work on that.


  2. Pingback: Information Overload - Keeping Up-To-Date at #RCEM15

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