The entire St.Emlyn’s team are so excited at the moment about where we will be in 2015. Obviously we will be in lots of places, but the overwhelming excitement is about where we will be in June 2015, and that’s in Chicago. The SMACC team are taking the incredibly successful conference to the fantastic city of Chicago from June 23-26th 2015. It’s going to be remarkable, exciting, different, educational and inspiring. Basically more of what we experienced in Sydney (2013) and on the Gold Coast (2014).
Now I’m sure that you’ve heard lots about SMACC already, but you can always hear more, but what would you need to hear from St.Emlyn’s? Well, we can give you a British and European perspective. We are generally a fairly reserved bunch and you might think that SMACC might be a bit ‘excitable’ for us Brits. Far from it. It is the most incredible blend of clinical education, academic endevour, networking and entertainment that I have ever seen. It’s an order of magnitude above any UK conference I’ve ever been to and in some cases it puts some efforts to shame. Just go, you’ll love it.
If you want to know why then why don’t you head over to the ICN website and download (FOR FREE) the talks and some videos from the event. SMACC shares the same #FOAMed philosophy of St.Emlyn’s, we love learning, we love teaching, we love sharing and whenever and wherever we can share then we will.
If you want to know more about why we think SMACC is jolly good fun for everyone (and especially any Brits intending to attend), then please feel free to listen to Iain and Simon ramble on about SMACKCKCAGOOOO here.
I can’t pick a specific highlight, but let’s take a few presentations that you would just NOT SEE IN ENGLAND YET. It may come in time, but if you want to see how to educate, entertain and engage then SMACC is the place to be.
Download the flyer here (Ed – use it to justify your study leave)
Listen to @docJohnHinds take the Cricoid pressure debate to a whole new level. Amazing pro:con talk.
Haney Mallemat @criticalcarenow with a masterclass on fluid resuscitation (and on how to make the most amazing slides)
It’s not all super amazing resus saves, what about palliative care. An amazing session here on why it’s so important for resuscitationists.
…and finally a reminder of the amazing opening ceremony. No conference you’ve ever been to do this!
So, next year do you want to be sat at home watching the tweets, reading the blog posts and feeling sad about why you didn’t get your act together in time to go to SMACC Chicago or, do you want to be with the St.Emlyn’s team in one of the greatest cities in the world at the world’s best medical conference?
See you in Chicago.
Download the commercial flyer here (Ed – we have no pecuniary interest BTW)
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