The St Emlyn’s Blog team are delighted (and excited!) to invite you to join us for an evening of dinner, drinks and inspiration with the utterly marvellous Joe Lex. To attend, email [email protected]
Joe Lex is wholeheartedly committed to Free Open Access Meducation (FOAM) and has an enormous collection of recorded EM talks distributed through the Temple University website and through the Free Emergency Talks podcast.
He is highly respected among the international EM community and has been described as “one of the most famous emergency physicians in the world” by Amal Mattu. You can hear my rather gushing appraisal here.
Joe is in Manchester (which is not too far from Virchester) at the end of the month and is equally enthusiastic about speaking to as many of you as we can fit into the conference centre! In the interest of FOAM there is no charge to attend but we really hope you will eat and drink with us (and in doing so help to cover the costs of the room hire). Food is very reasonably priced – three courses for £25. Venue details (including maps & directions) can be found here.
So, if you need inspiration, motivation or some international FOAM collaboration, join us!
Spaces are limited (though if interest is overwhelming we might be able to get a larger room), so get in touch as soon as possible to make sure you don’t miss out – email [email protected].
This is an event not to be missed . Here are just some of the tweets shared in response to his recent talk at SMACC 2013:
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But don’t just take their word for it – join the St Emlyns team on 25th April and find out for yourself!
[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’][/author_image] [author_info]Natalie May[/author_info] [/author]
Fantastic Nat, thanks so much for organising this.
Will there be FOAMaoke again, or shall we leave that to another day 😉
FOAMaoke can certainly be arranged for the discerning ones among us… By all means let us know when you email [email protected] if you’d like a karaoke experience afterwards!
Guess I will aspire to being inspiring.
Some of us were sadly seeing patients in northern Virchestershire at the time – any chance of a podcast 🙂