#dasSMACC Education panel: Get involved. St.Emlyn’s.

Here at St.Emlyn’s we are getting rather excited about #dasSMACC. It’s not that long until we gather in Berlin with friends old and new for the best conference in the world. I’ve no doubt that everyone involved will be working hard to impress at the Tempodrom in June.

We need you’re help in getting the most out of the sessions, so read on and get in touch.

The St.Emlyn’s team will be integrally involved as usual with talks, workshop, panels and interviews, and we are really looking forward to meeting as many people as possible. Berlin looks like an amazing city to host the conference and we are all really excited that it may even surpass the incredible time we had in Dublin last year.

Now, on to the request.

I am delighted to be chairing the #SMACC education panel on LIGHTING THE FLAME in CRITICAL CARE EDUCATION on Thursday morning (29th June). It’s going to be a great session looking at how we educate everyone involved in the care of critically ill and injured patients.

We’ve got an amazing panel (see below) to talk through all aspects of #MedEd and we need you to help us make the event as responsive and interactive as possible. Although we could probably just go to the pub by ourselves to talk for hours about the past, present and future of critical care education it would be SO much better to get you involved. To do that we want to hear from you about what you think, what matters to you and where you see the opportunities and threats for critical care education. We need you to tweet your questions in advance using the #SMACCMedEd hashtag, or you can leave your questions in the comments section of the blog below, or you can email them to me at [email protected]

So as a reminder that’s three options

  • Tweet your question using the #SMACCMedEd hashtag
  • Leave your question in the comments section below
  • Email to [email protected]

If we use your question we will mention you by name on the Tempodrom stage at #dasSMACC and of course you will have our utmost thanks for making the day great.

So get tweeting, responding and emailing…….. and ideally before the end of May please.




Our panel




Victoria Brazil





Jenny Rudolph





Walter Eppich




Chris Nickson




Daniel Cabrera




Sandra Viggers






Chair: Simon Carley

Moderator: Jesse Spurr

Cite this article as: Simon Carley, "#dasSMACC Education panel: Get involved. St.Emlyn’s.," in St.Emlyn's, May 2, 2017, https://www.stemlynsblog.org/smacc-education-panel-get-involved-st-emlyns/.

5 thoughts on “#dasSMACC Education panel: Get involved. St.Emlyn’s.”

  1. Pingback: #dasSMACC Education panel: Get involved. St.Emlyn’s. – Global Intensive Care

  2. roberto cosentini

    Great idea, Simon!

    Here are my challenges:

    1. teaching in a busy ED (bedside teaching, amal mattu’s whiteboard, email quizzes etc. What’s the best to get all involved?)
    2. Under-attended Journal Clubs, when most people are on shift
    3. sexy stuff is FOAM-overcovered (airways, resus, sedation) yet is less than 20% of our ED job. Do we need to educate resuscitationists or ED physicians?
    4. Many young doctors still do not use smartphone aids (e.g. MDCalc),do we need to spread FOAM to medical students?

    Thanks again for your great work

  3. David Pecora

    Emergency medicine is known for healthcare from cradle to grave. it seems in emergency medicine is becoming fragmented. Now we have geriatric emergency departments, adult emergency department, pediatric emergency departments, Etc. we also have board certification in emergency medicine, pediatric emergency medicine, sports medicine, EMS, Etc. Is emergency medicine becoming too specialized? Is there even a need to become specialized? Also, physician assistants are being utilized in the states more and more every year. PA’s trained in the medical model. The training is broad-based very similar to medical school. Should PAs do a residency in emergency medicine to work and emergency departments, or is having all the merit badges sufficient such as ACLS, PALS, ATLS, etc?

    Thank you for your time and consideration. It is greatly appreciated!! Looking forward to Das SMACC!!

    David Pecora, PA-C
    United States

  4. This rapid and amazing development in medical teaching and education is the envy of many and you as a group, particularly those on the stage are to be congratulated for the impact they have had on FOAM and consequently patient care around the world. Thank you.

    How can you assist those of us in other disciplines to start the process?

    Trying to start this myself in Paediatric Surgery what would the panel say are the key mistakes to avoid and what would they do differently if they had their time over?

    Ross Fisher

  5. David Pecora

    Concerning euglycemia, DKA, renal failure & the new oral glycemic meds: Is all Ketosis in these diabetics going to be DKA? Or is it starvation ketosis? Or is the ketosis related to their alcohol intake? Is the treatment all the same in these different causes or their ketosis?

    Thank you!

    David Pecora, PA-C
    United States

Thanks so much for following. Viva la #FOAMed

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