#SMACC Gold is going to be the best, most exciting, pleasurable and engaging emergency medicine and critical care conference in 2014. The St.Emlyn’s team are returning down under to listen and learn from the greatest minds and presenters in the business and we’d love you to come and join us.
It’s a long way away though, so why not make the journey even more exciting (and add a bit of extra reasoning to your study leave application) by submitting an abstract. #SMACC is an international conference and with its #FOAM credentials you will guarantee that your work will be heard and shared around the world (so much better than having a dusty old poster in a side room at your local regional get together).
If you want your research to be heard and shared across the globe then there is only one place to submit to and that is………#SMACCgold
Get those abstracts ready in the next two weeks and submit using the instructions below, you know you want to*.
The deadline is 22nd November so get writing now.
*Especially if you’re UK/Ireland, we need to recruit some exiles back home – but don’t mention that to the Aussies.