Follow these links to improve your ability as a learner
- Part 1. Physician – know thyself
- Part 2. Physician – teach thyself
- Part 3. Physician – look after yourself
- How to incorporate #FOAMed into medical education
- Reflection skills
#TTCManchester Teaching CoOp resources
The 2018 Teaching CoOperative course was held at ‘The Studio’ in Manchester on the 10th-12th October 2018. We have listed links to some of the key resources used on the course.
- Here is the link to the original blog post/page on the course.
- Here is the link to the iBooks programme.
- For resources linked to day 1 and the P-cubed programme then follow this link to Ross Fisher’s website (and then subscribe for updates)
- All delegates should have been given access to the lesson plans in the week following the course. If you were on the course but have not received this please check with Julie Derringer from the Teaching CoOp. If you are a delegate we will send you the pdfs.
- We discussed a number of links to wellbeing and personal development. Follow the links below.
- Follow this link for pages on Educational Theories that you must know.
- We also discussed a number of selected resources on the course with the following links
- Narrative Learning in Emergency medicine
- The power of reflection
- Generation Why? (Millenials and more)
- Medutainment
- How to coach and feedback to your team
- E+R=O
- Top 10 tips for in-situ simulation
- The Simulcast website for expert reviews and info on debriefing
- WTF to WTF: Helping without harming via SMACC site
- Getting started with Social Media. Got #FOAMed from Salim on the REBEL EM site.
- Learning in a hyperdistracted world. From Salim on the REBEL EM site.
General Medical Education Links
You can follow general St Emlyn’s links on medical education here