We are so excited to announce that the internationally acclaimed Teaching Co-Operative Course is coming to Manchester in 2018 on the 10-12th October. This course developed out of The Teaching Course (aka TTC) which paved the way for masterclasses in EM and critical care medical education. Here at St.Emlyn’s we’ve been lucky enough to provide faculty to courses in New York, San Fransisco, Copenhagen, Melbourne and South Africa and so it only seems right that we bring it home to Virchester.
You can book your place on the course by clicking this link.
What’s special about this course?
As a medical educationalist I get frustrated that many supposed ‘teaching courses’ tell you virtually nothing about how to be a better teacher. The Teaching Co-Op courses are different. This is about the pragmatic and practical approach of translating the science of teaching and learning into something that makes a real difference at the bedside, online, in workshops and in the lecture theatre. Simply put this course makes you a better teacher and learner. Everyone who attends this course will be a better educator as a result. You will do things differently as a result and it will work. How do I know this? Because everyone I know has told me this, and it’s the same for me as a faculty member. I always come aways with new ideas, tips and techniques that I put into practice. Sure, we will talk about some theory and we will be base the content on science, but the aim is to make you a better educator, your learners better student and most importantly improve the care of your patients.
Tell me about the venue.
We’re fed up of expensive courses in rubbish venues, delapidated education centres or out of town random halls. This course wants an environment that inspires innovation and excellence and so we’ve secured an amazing space at the Studio in Manchester’s Northern Quarter. This is a place for us to deliver a masterclass in medical education. Click here for a 360 degree tour of the space.
What about the faculty?
We have already confirmed an initial line up of acclaimed educators. You will know Salim Rezaie and Anand Swaminathan from SMACC and their involvement in all things #FOAMed. The international St.Emlyn’s team will be here too with Nat May returning from Australia and Ashley Liebig joining us from Texas. Sandra Viggers will be popping across the North Sea from Denmark, and we have more faculty to announce soon.
You will have never see a faculty this good in the UK before.

Tell me about the course
We will produce a detailed course guide soon. At the moment we are planning to delve into #FOAMed use and creation, advanced simulation techniques such as stress inoculation, presentation skills, learning skills, challenging feedback scenarios, wellness and teaching in the resus/big sick environment. If you want to get a flavour for what we do then follow the links to the #dasTTC course last year in Copenhagen.
Manchester has a reputation as a city that enjoys life to the full. We will deliver a full social program that celebrates the pride, swagger and talents of Manchester.
What’s the cost?
We know that times are tough with study leave funding and so we’ve reduced costs in comparison to previous courses. For non NHS attendees we’ve managed to reduce proices as compared to 2015/16 and for the NHS we have secured 30 discounted places on a first come first served basis. A course like this relies on an international faculty in a top quality venue and there are costs involved in that, but we;ve kept it to prices comparable to other courses in the UK.
At current exchange rates the prices in UK Pounds are:
Non NHS: Attending/Consultant – £1125, Medical trainee £750, Nurse/Paramedic £600
NHS (first 30 places only): Attending/Consultant £750, Medical trainee £600. Nurse/Paramedic £370
What else do we have planned?
On the 9th October we will be running a one-day clinical conference based on the St.Emlyns LIVE concept. A full day of evidence based, philosophical, supportive clinical education. The St.Emlyn’s LIVE conference is partnering with the Teaching Co-Op for a wonderful week in Manchester. More details to follow soon on this and of course we strongly recommend you combine the two.
What if I cannot get to Manchester?
Then come join us in Cape Town in March (and follow it up with the #badEMFest18 straight after).
Why Manchester?
It’s the spiritual home of Virchester. A city of pride, swagger, hard graft and football. A city that was the birthplace of the industrial revolution, where the atom was split and the first computer was invented. Manchester is an amazing place, the weather may not be that great, but the people, the history and the vibe is amazing. If you want to know why this is the place for a teaching course then listen to Tony Walsh reading his poem about Manchester after the Ariana Grande bombing. This is the place.