Join St.Emlyn’s at SMACC in Chicago. You know you should.

This week we got the wake up call from the SMACC organising committee. It’s time to have our slides and presentations ready for the greatest conference ever on emergency medicine, critical care and prehospital care. SMACC Chicago is going to be fantastic and will be unlike anything you’ve seen before.Screenshot 2015-04-17 18.32.28

The St.Emlyn’s team will be there with some really exciting talks on everything from Gestalt, to paeds, to medical error, to troponin, to compassion, education, reflection and the aftermath of critical care.

The program itself is amazing with the best EM/CC/PHEM educators on the planet.

Download the SMACC Chicago program here

It would be a massive understatement to say that we are really looking forward to it and we hope you are too.

Remember, there is still time for you to book a place and arrange travel so if you’ve thought about it and wavered make the call and get yourself booked in. You won’t regret it. We can’t give you a money back guarantee but we promise you that you will not have experienced anything like SMACC before. Come see the future of medical conferences in Chicago.

Check out our previous podcast where we discuss EM conferences (skip to 3:30)

Check out the presentations from last year at the Intensive Care Network, amazing presentations, speakers and topics. If you don’t believe me then listen to Scott Weingart. He knows a thing or two about conferences and he says you should come……do it!

So, will we see you in Chicago?



Cite this article as: Simon Carley, "Join St.Emlyn’s at SMACC in Chicago. You know you should.," in St.Emlyn's, April 17, 2015,

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