Simon Carley on the future of Emergency Medicine

The Big Questions in Emergency Medicine from SMACC Dublin

I was thrilled to kick off the EM stream at SMACC Dublin this year with a presentation on the big questions, in other words the strategic future, ofEmergency Medicine. This was an idea we put together to think about the wider strategic influences on the practice of EM in the UK and around the world. The talk is now live on the SMACC website

and you can view it on the link below.

We also have three blog posts that link to the presentation.

The BIG questions in EM. Part 2 – Technology. St.Emlyn’sThe BIG questions in EM. Part 3 – Politics. St.Emlyn’s


Have a listen and tell me what you think? Following SMACC there were many more announcements from the tech giants on the move into personalised health monitoring and alerts which links well to the blog posts written at the time.

I’d also like to thank my firend and recent colleague Lisa @EMDrLM (now at Addenbrooke’s in Cambridge) who demonstrated the ECG fantastically (and it really short notice). You should check out her heart rate on the video – and follow her on Twitter

The last 20 years have been a fascinating journey for me, I expect the next 20 to be just as exciting.



Before you go…

Carley S. The Big issues in EM. SMACC.;_sf_s=carley. Published September 2016.
Carley S. The big issues in EM: Demographics. SMACC. Published September 2016.
Carley S. The big issues in EM: Politics. SMACC. Published September 2016.
Carley S. The Big Questions: Technology. SMACC. Published September 2016.

Cite this article as: Simon Carley, "Simon Carley on the future of Emergency Medicine," in St.Emlyn's, September 11, 2016,

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