Lesson Plan – Diabetic Ketoacidosis

Picture the scene…

You are called to resus to assess a patient with poorly controlled type 1 diabetes who has presented to ED with vomiting and diffuse abdominal pain…

Learning Objective

In this session we will cover the presentation, initial management and complications of patients presenting in diabetic ketoacidosis

RCEM Curriculum

C3AP4 Abnormal Blood Glucose

Task 1 – Read

Task 2 – Read

Task 3 – Discuss

Task 4 – Summary

Task 5 – Reflect


  1. 1
    The Management of Diabetic Ketoacidosis in Adults. Joint Bristish Diabetes Societies Inpatient Care Group, 2013.
  2. 2
    Van Zyl DG, Rheeder P, Delport E. Fluid management in diabetic-acidosis–Ringer’s lactate versus normal saline: a randomized controlled trial. QJM 2011; : 337–43.
  3. 3
    Edge JA, Ford-Adams ME, Dunger DB. Causes of death in children with insulin dependent diabetes 1990-96. Archives of Disease in Childhood 1999; : 318–23.

Cite this article as: Dan Waddington, "Lesson Plan – Diabetic Ketoacidosis," in St.Emlyn's, June 19, 2020, https://www.stemlynsblog.org/lesson-plan-diabetic-ketoacidosis/.

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